DAY 217:20-18:00 JST
Develop LINE's messaging app in Kotlin
Panel Discussion
Kotlin has become "the first language" in Android app development.
All new code in LINE’s messaging app development is written in Kotlin.
In this session, with the main theme of "Develop LINE's messaging app in Kotlin", Hadi Hariri from JetBrains will answer questions from LINE Android App Development team about related to the latest release of Kotlin, Kotlin multi-platform, Kotlin compiler performance, future of Kotlin etc.
Android developers and people interested in development

Hadi Hariri
Developer and creator of many thingsOSS, he has been programming in one way, shape or form since the age of 12. Author of various publications and courses, Hadi has been speaking at industry events for nearly two decades. Host toTalking Kotlin, he works atJetBrainsleading the Developer Advocacy team, and spends as much time as he can writing code.

Masakuni Oishi
LINE App Dev Team1 Senior Software Engineer
As an Android client engineer, he is involved in the development of LINE applications. He is also the main developer of LINE's OSS library "Lich"

Daniel Vila
LINE App Dev Team7 Software Engineer
Daniel joined LINE in 2018 and his primary role involves development of the LINE Messaging app for Android. Part of his time developing has been improving code consistency and best practices across teams through the use of static analysis. He has been working on new features as well as overhauling and refactoring components to improve both the codebase and the user experience.
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